After picking the grapes and enjoying a well-deserved, pleasant lunch, we proceed to process the grapes. Both white and red grapes for the rosé are processed in the same way. The grapes are first destemmed in our adega, where the white grapes are pressed. The freshly pressed juice ends up in our stainless steel tanks. This process also applies to all types of red grapes. They undergo the same destemming process, and the juice is led through a hose to the adega, where it awaits the fermentation process in large barrels. During this period, we closely monitor progress through daily measurements and tastings. After the must has completed its initial fermentation, it is pressed and transferred to the stainless steel tanks. Some batches go directly into oak barrels. A lot has changed since our hobby grew into a full-fledged business and since the land area expanded from one and a half hectares to an impressive 3 hectares.